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¿Quien es ella?

Tréjhaun Andrece (Ella / Ellos) es una griot, artista de performance y grabación, siempre estudiante y activista de mentalidad global dedicada a la narración auténtica e imponente a través de la poesía, la prosa, la novela, el escenario y la pantalla.

El objetivo principal de Tréjhaun en esta vida es fusionar los aspectos intuitivos y lógicos de la psicología y la comunicación para explorar más a fondo las complejidades de la sociedad.

A través de la lente de una mujer negra queer, vemos que su propósito cobra vida en el examen, la conversación y la reflexión ... en última instancia, utilizando un sentido incondicional de compasión y perspectiva para sanar los traumas que todos enfrentamos.

En cada producción y proyecto, el objetivo principal de Trejhaun es desmitificar el arte y la libertad, calificándolo y expresando la libre expresión como ciencia básica "humana" y verdadero testimonio de la evolución de la historia, la espiritualidad y la experiencia humana.


"Cuando leo e interpreto guiones, me concentro en lo que me mueve. Al crear, la batalla es descifrar cómo mover a las personas".

-Tréjhaun Andrece


written in the

Identity, Vitality and Shakespeare workshop

led by Shakespeare & Co. in Lenox, Massachusetts

ode to my identity

by Tré'Jhaun Andrece Dueberry

once upon a time there was a little girl

like Martin Luther King she had a dream

though little, she never was a 'little girl'

forced to be the big girl when she'd rather scream

and she was encouraged to be silenced when

she rather sing

eventually she just shut up about everything

unless it is a classroom or a bedroom

well then, she's expected to know everything

luckily she's curious about everything 

The Only Them There'd Ever Be

 by Tré'Jhaun Andrece Dueberry,

aka Love Infinite ∞

Like flowers

They held their own

Against the rains

Flying and flowing


Alongside a sea of sky

They knew was their own reflection

They knew they were

More than a flower alone

More than a plant

More than an offspring

They were creations of God

Miracles that sprung up in every which direction

Incapable of being labeled

Incapable of fulfilling only one role

Incapable of being type-cast as a Rose alone

They knew they were the whole rainbow

Flowers and colors

that had yet to be discovered

By human eyes

They were innovation and novelty

Something the world had never seen before

And yes, there were many flowers

And yes, there were many miracles

Equally beautiful, ethereal

Divine beings

But, there were none like them

They were the only them there'd ever be

a question-

by Tré'Jhaun Andrece Dueberry

it is a rare feeling, being catered to

everyone runs on orders 

with no time to be of service

i want to sit down

i want to be priority

but you have so many customers

what is one more?

no one?

am I nobody in this great

restaurant of yours

i have no bottle service

where is my food

are you even thinking about me?

i alone know the answer.

you don't have time to see me

you're so busy being you

I guess I should just leave

and get back to being me?


"excuse me, waiter. I have a question--"




Artista de performance


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