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About Tré'jhaun Andrece dueberry

Tré'Jhaun Andrece has been creative writing for as long as they could pick up a pencil to write scripts at Leinkauf Elementary School in Mobile, Alabama to perform them for classmates.


Tré'Jhaun began acting at 12. They got their start at Phillips Preparatory School under the direction of Mrs. Vera Lynn Sheets. It was also here they published their first children's book in the sixth grade. Growing up, Tré'Jhaun wrote songs, poetry, books, and scripts for fun and that is their present joy still.


High school cemented the love and life theatre brought. Tré'Jhaun competed multiple times in the Walter Trumbauer Secondary Theatre Festival of Alabama under the direction of Haley Green at Murphy High School and developed an adoration for the family, community and passion of the artists they played with. In 2016, Tré'Jhaun went on to audition and book a role in their first professional show with Mobile Theatre Guild.


Tré'Jhaun had the immense honor of playing not one, but two roles in The Colored Museum by George C. Wolfe as Medea in Last Mama on the Couch and The Woman in The Hair Piece exhibits, respectively. It was nominated for Best Play in 2016 for Lagniappe's "Nappies" Awards in Mobile.


After graduating high school in May 2016, Tré'Jhaun chose to study at the illustrious Clark Atlanta University that upcoming fall. Originally venturing to double major in Psychology, they later decided to focus solely on Theatre Arts after falling in love with the community.


In Atlanta, Tré'Jhaun gained experience as a model, actress, ambassador, and public figure through their Youtube channel. Through these outlets, they grew a background in filmmaking, makeup artistry, graphic design, marketing and finally began recording and releasing original music under the artist namea "Trigga/Trgga" which led to the most current, "TR3GGA."


Tré'Jhaun performed in her first production at Clark Atlanta in a gripping devised piece called "The Inside" which explored the minds, thoughts, and current situations of 5 college students from different backgrounds.


They then went on to appear in 4.48 Psychosis written by Sarah Kane. The gripping mania, depression and all around death of this piece led Tré'Jhaun back to writing, specifically to poetry, stage and film.

In the summer of 2018, Tré'Jhaun launched their own production company, Trigga Filmworks, after wanting to be more hands-on in the intricacies of filmmaking including world-building, casting, development, production, design, direction, and post-production.


They have now worked on and produced over 6 short films and amassed over 30,000 views on Youtube. Tré'Jhaun's first short film in 2017 was a documentary about colorism and students' experiences with it and self love. Campus MovieFest, a traveling student film festival, provided equipment and motivation for Tré'Jhaun's dive into filmmaking and lit a fire and desire for more.


In early 2020, Tré'Jhaun co-directed "Bourbon at the Border" written by Pearl Cleage under the direction of Clark Atlanta's Theatre Arts Department Chair, Eve Graves. After the pandemic cut the end of her senior year in college short, Tré'Jhaun then took the opportunity to direct her first ever public script reading via the Zoom platform that May. They also simultaneously performed work that year as a model, actress ambassador, makeup artist, and independent recording artist. Tré'Jhaun's music is streamed globally via all music platforms and Soundcloud.

In 2021, Tré'Jhaun dived deep into the creation of music, songwriting, and even took an opportunity to creative direct Spelman College's 2021 Art After Dark with their chosen theme, "The Elementals," which re-imagined artists as primordial deities, honoring elements like fire, water, air, earth, the void and the androgyne. 

In 2022, Tré'Jhaun began a new journey into offering therapeutic arts sessions to the public with a concentration in transmutating pain into a testament of tangible power and perseverance. They turned their attention inward and also began studying holistic science, herbalism, and wellness and pouring more time into mental and spiritual health discovery. This same year they also began the "TR3GGERED" Patreon as an archive of the spiritual work and wisdom gathered through research and astrological studies. They also began performing live at open mics virtually, sharing their talents all over the world.

In 2023, Tré'Jhaun led a trauma support group which has recently went on hiatus until further notice. 


In July 2023, They have released a brand new poetry e-chapbook titled The Fear Project, Volume One. It can be purchased on their Beacons store at the link below:

Shop The Fear Project, Volume One

Ultimately, Tré'Jhaun's dream is to consistently embody healing, regenerative and loving energy and spread the knowledge and power of healing and homeostasis to other artists, creators, and huemans!


Art is both inspiring and therapeutic for us all and Tré'Jhaun hopes to honor everything they've learned throughout life through creation, teaching and sharing.

Tré'Jhaun practices divine perspective that makes the mundane magical and the ordinary extraordinary, striving for timeless power and resonance in every work, word and action.


Image by Jai Pugh

My latest projects

Past Projects Worth Experiencing



A collection of written works including short stories and poetry from a college workshop class.


The Moon is in Gemini is a short play written in 2023 about a gossiping, small town hairdresser who loses two clients in less than an hour--a returning client and her friend.

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